Category: News & Events


Ousmane Sembene VS Jean Rouch

You look at us like insects The following document is a  translation of the now infamous exchange which took place between Jean Rouch and Senegalese filmmaker Ousmane Sembène in 1965 by Jamie Berthe. The dialogue...


Film Production Outside Francophone Africa

Non Francophone African film production is relatively limited, except in South Africa. Among the other former British colonies, only Nigeria has built a sizable film industry.The growth of cinema in this country was due...


Say What? Afronauts: Africans In Space!

I had the great pleasure of watching the Late Night Shorts showcase during this year’s Dallas International Film Festival. The segment was a compilation of fantastically eccentric set of films from new talents.Waiting with...


What You should know About Colonial Period Cinema

A brief history lesson extracted just for you from Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience. Check it out and share your 2 cents! According to popular legend, cinema was first introduced to...

2014 African Movie Awards 0

Johnnesburg Hosts AMAA Nominations

Here are the updates on the nominations and presenters for the 2014 Africa Movie Awards! -Come the 2nd of April, The Africa Film Academy will host African filmmakers and celebrities during the 10th Africa...